
Showing posts from September, 2021
    Generalities of the Court Jester! Defunding Police Citizen and Community Comments Looking at the wide-ranging crime, assault, murder, and other heinous behaviors by people who feel entitled or suffering some warped attitude is sickening.  It is shameful, particularly in big cities (an example of craven) and in some governor's rhetoric (NYS assistant governor, for example)! Okay, right to an individual opinion?  Yes, you do!  But, if elected to represent all people, your failure must have consequences, and as the public grows more angry, unforgiving, and will act, accountability will come upon you.  Political party choice and designation are corrupt and no longer representative .  Change means that people run for office based on their character, honesty, willingness to represent the country, and people in an open and best practices model.  And a second and simultaneous action is term limits, one time only! So, here are opinions from across the country, steps that must happen and
When Political Positions Fail to Carryout Their Duties - Will Accountability Emerge? The below headline (09.06.21) is undoubtedly unfair as its broad stroke labels democratic mayors as a unified group, insensitive to the ripping apart of the social fabric. However, many are asking: (1) what is the motivation for this refusal.  ] (2) how many "victims" must there be before those who refuse action are held accountable? (3) When will accountability be leveled for failure to perform one's oath and duties, for recompensation of loss, injury, and death, and in that failure receive an adequate penalty? No person of any race, gender, education, religion, place of abode, and numerous other identifiers should be victimized by those who were elected to preserve the peace, protect, and be a good steward of public well-being and safety.  To act like the headline indicates, there are serious issues of mental health, myopic and prejudicial beliefs, and/or some gain that is hidden from t
  Generalities of the Court Jester!   Consolidation of Reality – the Black Hole of a Single Planet While I have curtailed news watching, the same messages, emerging repeatedly, the most infuriating of the day have planned intensity (as if we hear it better), loud, and often without the slightest fullness of reporting facts and differences the whole story.   The dumbing down of America is in full swing. It sends a message of truth twisting, agenda fulfillment, controlled thinking, remove the ability to discern, discuss, and make good decisions – all that is done for us!   Nary a concern for the shame they bring themselves. Brainwashing (also known as mind control, menticide, coercive persuasion, thought control, thought reform, and re-education) is the concept that specific psychological techniques can alter or control the human mind. Brainwashing is said to reduce its subject's ability to think critically or independently, allow the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and
Shame in America - The Center of disgust _  Washington DC   09.02.2121  -   Congresswoman Blocks Names of 13 Dead Service Members from Being Read on House Floor An attempt to introduce their bill and read the names of the deceased service members , ( killed at the airport fiasco in Afghanistan) they were gaveled out by Democratic Rep.  Debbie Dingell  of Michigan, who was presiding over the chamber.