Informed or Uninformed - - A dilemma of Proportions

Information on the below article ("More Americans now say the government should take steps to restrict false information online than in 2018" – Pew Research Center) is an illustration of why more information is needed.

The article by two Pew Research writers represents a single aspect of a complex problem.  The analysis falls short.  Yes, it carries value, but we must also determine the underlying question to identify its parameters, seek depth of understanding, and engage in analysis to guide sustainable solutions.  Excellent decisions can emerge from in-depth knowledge, having drilled down into its historical underpinning and enabling appropriate analysis.  Ignoring those aspects, too often commonplace, is analogous to observing the opposite side of the stream, prepare to leap, but not judge the distance.

I accept the author's comments but want to say, "finish the piece for much is missing, and we cannot determine the true picture!"  Missing is (a) crime data, (b) recidivism rates, (c) less police, (d) citizen complaints (for they matter most of all), (e) levels of victimization, harm, loss of wages, (f) the death rate of substance abuse, and (e) numerous other factors of harm to self and others.

Without that comparison data, we are not adequately informed. But, unfortunately, America has grown soft, lazy, dependent; now becoming angry, lashing out, protesting, and other personal and group responses.  Yes, that works to the advantage of those who deny us consideration and determination of in-depth reporting. However, it turns out the public must know complete, truthful, and accurate information!  Otherwise, we are led and not engaged, which is harmful to a healthy society.

The goal of society, media, elected and appointed officials, and citizens is to see humanity's totality, do what is right, work within sensible parameters of need, economic factors, and other influences that are missing in today's discussion. But, unfortunately, existing dissention leads to the cliff, and few are willing to leap blindly.

Source Article below:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 ARTICLE:   August 18, 2021

More Americans now say the government should take steps to restrict false information online than in 2018.

Bu Amy Mitchell and Mason Walker



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