A Step Into Oblivion

By: Richard C. Lumb, Ph.D.

What we hear, see, and contemplate as a public!


America and worldwide concerns endure rapid change.   Negative aspects illustrate multiple events and stockade attitudes whose impact constantly 'stir the pot' and result in pandemonium.  There is no end to the examples that occur and reoccur, impacting daily life.  The diversity of cultures, philosophy, personal drive, and methods of influence run along a continuum of altruistic to total control, a formula for progress or ruination!

Figure 1.

Continuum of Social Indicators

 Progress [Positive]  -  -  -  -   -  -  -  -  -  -  -  Ruination [Negative]

 Social events remind me of an old saying, "A house divided cannot stand!" In the technology, specifically computer milieu, the word "singularity" emerged.  The term singularity refers to the consolidation of computer knowledge and processing ability that results in super-intelligence.  If attained, the singularity will allow computers to out-think humans, basically becoming the superior controlling entity.  Some like the idea as decisions will be faster, based on all knowledge to that moment, and quickly implemented.  Disagreement, the dominant belief, once singularity and robots perfected, humanity is no longer is required.  

Yes, recognized is that each individual is governed by differing attitudes, thoughts, desires, and other descriptive goals.  To this point, we are aware of the burgeoning differences, actions, ploys, and other commotion. But, again, it goes to motivation and principle. 

Change is a marathon.  Bias is a force of multiple faces.  It is exemplified by refusing to listen, work with others, and a moderated position and viewpoint.   In hundreds of places by tens of thousands of people, the never-ending story continues.  The new boldness restricts or eliminates the right to be heard, offer another view, or seek compromise and collaboration.   Is there a growing revolution around the world or here at home?  

America is no longer what our fathers and grandfathers fought for![2]  Instead, we rapidly approach a crossroad to propel us into undefined change, which is myopic, selfish, and designed to compel the demands of the many by a few.  That will not stand!

 Historical Rhetoric

Time evolves regardless of what humans want, desire, and expect.  If you examine the evolution of the world and its inhabitants, one realization is constant.  The ebb and flow of change proceeds with mixed respect for the rights of others, their wishes, and desires.  Nothing is stagnant.  Impulse and individual desire exist, but the realization of multitudes of others frequently challenge it.  What stands in the middle directing traffic was "common sense," which is ignored by many at their peril.

What resides in one's mind matters to the individual, regardless of the direction.  Whether selfish or selfless, vindictive or with optimism, the results are the behaviors that guide us.  A soft undercurrent of complaints, borne of expectations not earned, and inadequate experience hijacks collaborative decision-making.

That is not a society seeking the rightness of education, rather a free-for-all, a misanthrope moment whose persistence is equated to an endless loop with ever-changing individuals.  Truth, accuracy, facts appear to matter not, bad in print, unacceptable in spoken language.  Is that not the definition of chaos?

Influence and cause have many masters.  Among them are decades of hidden change, financed by a microscopic few, lack of knowledge deliberately withheld, pushing altered agendas, a pyramid of one at the top, and little to no input from that level down. As a result, problems are revealed. The pyramid is a blob of frenetic clawing to reach the top.  Included are those cast aside, the death of care and concern, and selfish and myopic action by a few who believe they are the exalted aspirant.  

For example, we see competition seeking ways to kick you off the path as they seek dominance.  Loyalty to the common good expired.  Polarization exists, and care for humanity is depressed.  What remains is hollow, valueless, and inadequate outcomes looming and present.    

An independent media avoids reporting that which is not part of the façade, honest and fact-driven. Instead, reporting has become a myth, opinion, or rote repeating the same word or mantra deemed irresponsible and agenda building. Thus, a diminished society is residing on two sides of the conflict.  History is replete with examples that demonstrate it will not stand.

Plotting, planning, hidden agenda, blatant destruction by others, silence as a defense, rote speaking points, minions who utter the words at the master's orders are unhealthy and in realty useless, as awakening occurs. 

The truth resides in your crosshairs but recently has become the target of others.  Loyalty is non-existent. The current quest to remove or demand compliance is the present moment. 

 "Truth is a well we all draw from and slowly poison, as we use it in ways for which it was never intended."

― Stewart Stafford

Realized Outcomes.

The strategy to divide, cause chaos, create division, and establish controls based on the removal of self-choice, cannot succeed.  Far too many in the opposition and growing stronger daily.  We have given up our rights to mobs, faceless lying, intimidation, and violence exacerbated by elected individuals who seem intent on destroying this country. Why is that?  Present and increasing in the volume are people of this great country who protest.  Do not discount the demand for accountability, maintenance of the rule of law, as all are contained in the Constitution and decades of foundational America.

Ruthlessness, excessive spending without justification and from one side of the decision rules, is wrongful behavior.  Intimidation and control of citizens via social media, insensitive elected officials, deviant and destructive behaviors seek dominance. But, unfortunately, that helps no one.  Time will undoubtedly bring change when the social balance is restored.  Loyalty requires concern for others; selfishness does not commit to them as a core principle.    

Why the rush to the cliff and loss of interest in others?  Is it a one-sided view compared to the head of a pin or a temporary infusion of evil purpose masquerading as altruistic?  Normalcy, genuine liking, and respect for assisting those in need, working symbiotically to enhance all lives, has succumbed to greed, power, and self-gratification.   

We see efforts to dissolve individualism, decency, and noble effort where kindness and concern for other lives are tossed aside. Again, regression to prehistoric behavior is observable.  The majority of people are pawns in the game of affliction, mayhem, and malady,  The vast majority represent people whose life follows a path of sensibility and balance; purpose, decency, desire for common sense, caring of others, freedom, lawfulness; other descriptors; until the black curtain of falsehoods and deviousness descended. 

This condition will not persist, for momentum to regroup and modify in positive ways proliferates daily.  Nothing on this single planet in a system of billions is permanent.  The history of humanity demonstrates this condition with clarity.  But, change, as stated, evolves, and the model we use leads forward.

Run or Stand in Place.

Wars begin, and wars end.  The dead are memorialized or buried in a pit, which some will hope are never discovered.  People age, pass on, and a new crop of humans rises.   Diversity, once the subject of integration, is again used to separate.  The voices of resistance are either silent or not heard!  However, ignored by those that seek gain, do not hear, or seek common ground. But that is not the purpose of earth life. Instead, we have become humorless, disingenuous, selfish, twisted in beliefs and truth, lie with impunity, and many hate others!  How does that accomplish anything?  It does not!

Beliefs are personal, but one aspect that we cannot discount, if in truth you exist, this earth and the billions of stars in the night sky did not just happen.  There is always more to know than what meets the eye, for if you consider truth, you are aware your life will not end here.  Where the mind, energy, soul go is a matter of conjecture, the answer to come once beyond the veil.

The story is written and unfolding.  The answers are unknown; the plot remains hidden, but we know that time is an intervening variable that none can control, while the ending remains obscured from humanity[3].

 "Throughout the last century, Communist leaders alternated in pretending to be nationalists, agrarian reformers, and democrats. The same is true today; only the Communists have grown in sophistication even as their dupes have declined into stupefaction. There is nothing to be gained by talking with liars and tricksters who plot the West's downfall. Yet we talk and talk as we lose and lose again."

― J.R.Nyquist

Richard Lumb

[1] .  No names or references are provided to reduce attacks through differences of opinion.  Freedom to speak is entitled to all and respected here.

[2] .  No names or references are provided as it leads to perverse retaliation, another indicator of control.


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