Repercussion or Aggression Not the Issue: Citizens Are!


The Division is Not Happenstance!

BLOG Vo. 1, No. 2


What we hear, see, and contemplate as a public!

I.  Introduction, Voices Across America[1].

"America and worldwide concern regard the effort of change and offer a variety of comments.  Negative aspects illustrate multiple events and stockade attitudes whose impact constantly 'stir the pot' and result in pandemonium. The outcome is a constant hum of noise which has become irritating in its altered misrepresentation. The examples presented represent not events with requisite facts; rather, they are the unknown individuals' desired depiction of limited value.  That is a sorry state of affairs, but as often said, “it is what it is!” like it or not! There is no end to the examples that occur and reoccur, impacting daily life. 

The diversity of cultures, philosophy, individualism, personal drive, assumed power over people is misused and a continuum ranging from altruistic to total control, a formula for progress or ruination, the outcome a seething morass of clogging seaweed that stops all who seek to sail among it!"

What are these views? Are we getting the truth based on facts and in-depth investigation with clarity and fair reporting?  Is “reporting facts” the standard, or are we subjected to a twist to philosophy taking as many allude?  Are we constantly being subjected to a “modified to agenda” of hollow rhetoric?  The confusion is not emotionally, physically, socially, or by any other measure healthy.    

This discussion's purpose is not to choose, take a position, or indicate what we are seeing, hearing, reading, from headlines to the deeper levels of individual spontaneous exclamation.  A discussion is not warranted, for each individual has the responsibility to conduct their search for truth and use it to make decisions.

360-degrees of choice.

Those who have the right to voice their thoughts are citizens of America.  Yes, many whose intent is nefarious and destructive seek to control, but to what end?  The distant voices, illegal harbingers of animosity, have no place; their purpose is caustic.  Where is the selfless, or whose earlier voice said, Goodness is always growing toward new levels of the increasing liberty of moral self-realization and spiritual personality attainment!”  Believe what you will, your choice indeed.  But, while gradual, the rise of American anger has begun, and this paper examines the multiple meanings.  The voices are many, increasingly adamant, and clear that this nation is not for sale, not going to consent, and illustrated across history whose outcomes were righteous and honorable.

II. Does Intent Matter?

The clamor of words, images produced to impact, examples with intent, distorted accuracy, and jaded truth is a daily occurrence, illustrating conceit for the viewer's intelligence?  These events have dominated, but the opposition and strength of fortitude to end it grows exponentially.  As angry rejection rises, unites, and organizes, the identification of doom masters, or blatant uncaring power grab, has, as the old saying goes, “woken the sleeping giant! 

As a new cacophony of response advances, hearts and minds are changing.  Truth has always overcome lies, for truth represents realism and does not have to be embellished with deceptiveness.  The question of massive amounts of money as influence becomes less advantageous.  Instead, the answer has assumed an organized, unified, and determination to end the assault. 

However, the battle in the mist has injured and negatively impacted multitudes.  The purview of diverse intent, its purpose, or simple disingenuousness is embarrassing.  Recognition of seeking personal gratification is identified and rejected.  If the meaning of this chaos is determined evil, the commitment to positive and sustainable change has become “ten to the 10th power” resistance.    

As previously silent Americans engage and amplify, the “push and pull” arrogance could be considered a spectator sport. The rejection of the chaos, anger, falseness, and concealment intent will be silenced and isolated.  Many have worked a lifetime, devoted self, time, energy, and talent, only to witness attempts to toss them under the bus.  They are not racist, do not have evil intent, have given more than received – for decades. 

Some seek to cast a pall on the many positive outcomes, stop the broad-brush one-liners and seek common sense in facts and existing truth.  Being hoodwinked is the fault of being too lazy to investigate and engage in informed thinking!  If someone is willing to engage, it provides an opportunity to learn truthful facts and make informed decisions.  That is not difficult! 

From a personal perspective, from 1941 to the present, no help or options were presented.  The reality was to work hard, fulfill expectations, gain inch by inch, and encounter demands few endure in the present day.  There were no options.  It was never thought about, no demands because there was no one to hear it.  We simply shouldered individual responsibility and got it done.  There was no evil intent as the building blocks of civilization were personal willingness, engagement, and patience.  That has changed in some twist of logic, but the victims can be identified, so too the perpetrators.

The New Goal is to Determine Balance 

III.  Justice Has Not Ended, Just Delayed.  

The message is incomplete by choice.  Those that chose not to sacrifice humans to the harm and dangers of criminality, crime, and failure to address it, are uniting.  As states, counties, cities, towns, and neighborhoods connect and implement protections as needed, the sift is not progress, and it is a form of “stand your ground!”. We do not need constant confrontation, argument; winner takes all, that is absurd, dumb, and defeating.

The most vulnerable among society, who are the current victims, and who are left susceptible by the very elected whose duty is to provide protection, cry for help.  From whence will it come?  Is confrontation the key?  Not the best approach, but when one’s back is to the wall; we stand and fight.  Accountability and responsibility dominant; a focus on common sense and legal obligation, and diminishment of those who contribute to the chaos, harm, injury, loss, and death.  Third world, not! 

However, we witness an emerging new model inherent in a demonized: “fourth world.”

Why maintain control?  Simple, the Constitution and Bill of Rights is the law, and we do not change these by some disgruntled fiat. Instead, the landscape seems to be a confrontation, push, pull, threats, and examples of implementing demands without consultation or inclusion.  When this disdain rules, it is left to the opposition to challenge and confront. 

The viability of problem-solving has been cast off the roadway for multiple reasons, the most severe and existing motivation of disdain and in-your-face actions.  We share this country, have invested immense effort in many areas, and will not allow continued radicalization.  Nor should people be forced to do so, only if one side refuses to seek solutions and demands all. 

Ridiculously juvenile?  That is the emerging demand, loud and specific.  And next. . . . ?

                    Will Rogers said:      

  "Common Sense Ain't Common!"

Stay well,  Richard


[1] .  No names or references are provided to reduce attacks through differences of opinion.  Freedom to speak is entitled to all and respected here.


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